Q: What does the web site migration service entail? Will my web site be safe?

A: If your present web hosting provider can no longer satisfy the necessities of your site, or if you undergo regular network downtime, or if you are forced to wait for hours for the help desk staff to reply to you, it might be a good idea to swap your hosting provider, i.e. to transfer all the files for your sites along with your databases from your current provider to your new provider. At MADHosting, we are aware that this can often be hard and time–consuming. For this reason, we’ll accomplish all that for you at no cost!Our expert technical team representatives will transfer your website content from your current web hosting provider to us. Our technicians have a lot of experience migrating websites and can take care of everything – from a standard WordPress–based blog or Joomla website, to a highly complex, custom–built web app.

Q: What does the web site migration service entail? Will my web site be safe?
Q: Just how long will it take for my web site to be transferred over to your platform?

A: We strive to carry out all website migrations ASAP. Nonetheless, we don’t have a set time frame for web site migrations. There are several variables that you need to consider – the mere size of your website and the workload of our web site migration staff, etc. We constantly try to implement each migration in under 48 hours. With smaller–sized websites, our staff typically manages to finish in under 24 hours.

Q: Just how long will it take for my web site to be transferred over to your platform?
Q: My privacy is crucial to me. What details do you require?

A: We will need the login information for your current hosting provider’s Control Panel and the site’s name (domain name).

Q: My privacy is crucial to me. What details do you require?
Q: My current hosting account has delicate info inside. How can I trust you?

A: Our Privacy Policy is an inseparable part of the contract that we will have with you as a client. We are dedicated to safeguarding the safety of the personal information gathered from the customers. To do this, we use technical security measures in order to prevent the loss, the misappropriation, the alteration or the illegal leak of the private data under our control. The security measures include, but are not limited to: physical, electronic and administrative procedures to protect and secure the data that we acquire on the Internet. When we ask clients to submit financial information (for instance, a credit card number), this info is encoded using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology.

Q: My current hosting account has delicate info inside. How can I trust you?
Q: How about downtime? Will my web site be offline?

A: While we move your website, it will be available both in your web hosting account with us and in your account with your old hosting provider. After the transfer is over, we’ll make certain that everything is functioning properly and that the integrity of your web content is not affected before informing you that the migration is finished. Then we’ll tell you how to move the domain to your web hosting account with us and how to modify your DNS settings.

Q: How about downtime? Will my web site be offline?
Q: Will my current web hosting provider need to provide any info/help?

A: While we transfer your content, your hosting provider won’t be aware of the migration at all. We will not get in touch with them in any way.

Q: Will my current web hosting provider need to provide any info/help?
Q: Does it matter what platform my current hosting provider is using?

A: Yeah. We support all common Linux–powered web hosting platforms. We do not support Windows–powered web hosting platforms, since we don’t offer Windows hosting services ourselves.In addition, we do not support proprietary web site creation and administration interfaces like Wix, BaseKit, Jimdo, Website Tonight, Four Square, Mr Site, etc.

Q: Does it matter what platform my current hosting provider is using?