At MADHosting we have focused upon supplying exclusive domain names registration solutions. Take a look at MADHosting’s domain names video display to find out the benefits of acquiring a completely new domain name along with us.

We have got one on one agreements with some of the most popular domain name registration vendors, meaning we’re able to provide cheaper domain name registration rates compared to the competition. And thanks to these accords, we will provide you with free of cost domain name registration or domain name transfer with every shared web hosting plans package.

We have in addition developed a one of a kind domain administration user interface – the Domains Manager. It’s produced to function as the single place you need to go for all of your domain name organization needs. We offer smooth control over many domain names all at once, whole whois control, swift domain name redirection plus more.

For those, who desires a higher volume of protection with regards to domain names, we offer our WHOIS Privacy Protection service. It enables you to conceal your personal info from the whois information, efficiently lowering the chances for domain name theft.

From the Domain Manager, you too can obtain an SSL Certificate for your personal website, regardless of whether it’s hosted with us or not. We offer both typical SSL certificates which can be suitable for 1 host plus wildcard SSL certificates, you can use for many hostnames.
