Web Accelerators

The Web Accelerator Applications (Varnish, Node.js and Memcached) integrated into the web hosting Hosting Control Panel, will drastically improve the speed of your dynamic websites.

They are built to store in a cache the info on your websites and hence minimize the number of requests to the database server or the API. This will help all your sites load considerably quicker than ever before and will enable you to attract more pleased website visitors, which equals decreased bounce rates.

Web Accelerators

Multiple Data Centers

Shared web hosting packages in the US, in Europe and in Australia

Nowadays we have data center facilities in the USA (Steadfast in Chicago, IL), in the European Union (Pulsant in close proximity to London, Ficolo in Pori, Finland and Telepoint in Sofia, Bulgaria) and in Australia (Amaze in Sydney). We’ve carefully picked out each datacenter to guarantee top–quality shared web hosting solutions for your sites and web apps. There aren’t any additional charges – the price will stay the same irrespective of which data center facility you select.

Multiple Data Centers

Scripting Support

All our hosting plans offer full scripting support

Our Linux physical servers offer full scripting support. You can host all kinds of Python or PHP apps and also choose from among over three thousand and four hundred Perl modules. The shared web hosting plans also offer MySQL & PgSQL support and feature the InnoDB database engine. ImageMagick, Zend Optimizer, SSI and GD Library are also supported on our hosting servers.

Scripting Support

True Cloud Platform

Take a Tour

At MADHosting, we are proud of offering you a true shared web hosting platform – every service is taken care of by an autonomous physical server, which means that all your websites will invariably load instantly even if the system is under stress. This cloud hosting platform was developed entirely by us with scalability and dependability in mind, and is backed up by a 99.9% server uptime guarantee.

True Cloud Platform

Data Backups

Your web site content could be restored anytime

No web site is guarded against cyber–thieves assaults. Your site might be affected even by accidental content deleting on your end. Still when using our data back–up copy service, we’ll easily recover all your website content at any moment. In addition to the frequent server backups that we are performing, you can yourself create manual backups of all your web site content with a click of the mouse through the File Manager, which is accessibly located in your Hosting Control Panel. Simply make an archive of the directory(ies) that you would like to manually back up and put it in a location of your liking.

Data Backups

99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee

A 99.9% network uptime is guaranteed

At MADHosting, we give a ninety–nine point nine percent server uptime guarantee. This implies that, rain or shine, your web site will be accessible online and people will be able to visit it. All this is possible due to the custom shared web hosting system that we have developed. It’s based on a significantly tweaked version of SELinux (Security–Enhanced Linux) in order to ensure optimal server uptime for all cloud web hosting users.

99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee

Solid–State Drives

Quickly boost your site’s speed

If you want to give your site a speed boost, all you need to do is simply to host it with us. Our shared web hosting servers feature solid–state disks, so on every single physical server you’ll take full advantage of unmatched read/write speeds, which will make your site really fast.

With the superb online connectivity offered by all our cloud hosting Data Center Facilities, your website will begin working quicker without the need for any configurations on your end.

Solid–State Drives

Domain Manager

Multi–domain management done correctly

With the MADHosting Hosting Control Panel, you are no longer restricted to work with only 1 domain name. You can manage one or one hundred domain names in the very same easy and simple time and effort saving manner. We have also included a few other valuable tools, that will allow you to park, forward and Whois Privacy Protect your domains as well as to specify custom DNS records. Having these domain name management options in one location will spare you considerable amounts of time and effort.

Domain Manager


A safe and secure web app firewall software

We offer an instant method of protecting every web application in your hosting account, no matter whether it’s freshly installed or has been imported from a different web hosting supplier. All our shared web hosting packages include ModSecurity – a web app firewall, which is activated automatically. We’ve configured it to momentarily ward off most hacker attacks. This means that the moment you host your site with us, it will be safer than before.


  • Service guarantees

  • Each of our plans is configured for you totally free. 30–day money–back. 99.9% service uptime. 30 min reply–back time.
  • Compare our prices

  • Check out our pricing and pick the most suitable web hosting service for your individual or company web sites. You can easily move up to a more advanced package with just a click of the mouse.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Contact Us

  • It is possible to get in touch with us throughout working hours on the phone for just about any pre–sale data.