URL redirection allows you to redirect targeted traffic from one site to another. In contrast to forwarding a domain address by parking it when the domain is unusable, a URL forwarding is possible only if the domain address is hosted, meaning that you will still be able to set up fully functional subdomains and e-mail addresses or even to have content for the domain name in question, although it won't be accessible directly. If you already have a site, for instance, but you'd like to launch one or many localized sites for different towns or countries, you shall be able to work on them without any problem. In case a site visitor opens any one of the new domain names, however, they shall be forwarded to the existing site. In this way, you will not miss customers while developing the localized Internet sites.

URL Redirector in Shared Web Hosting

With the point-and-click forwarding tool, that's incorporated into our in-house built Hepsia CP, you shall be able to redirect each of your domain names and subdomains regardless of the shared web hosting plan that you have picked. With only a few clicks, you can easily create a new redirection even if you have not used a web hosting account before, as our tool is extremely intuitive. For a standard forwarding, you will just need to choose a domain/subdomain from a drop-down menu, to enter the new URL, and then to save the progress. The more knowledgeable users can modify other options also - the forwarding type (permanent/temporary), the method (direct/match) and the folder where this forwarding will be enabled (the main domain folder or a certain subfolder). Any forwarding that you've set up may be deleted with simply a mouse click at any time.