Mailing list members are users that have registered for a specific list to get regular email messages, such as weekly newsletters. In case the mailing list client software that is used to administer the list permits it, you can also add mailing list members manually, but in this case such messages may be thought of as being unsolicited and reported as spam by the recipients. Generally, these mailing list members can unsubscribe from a mailing list by clicking on a hyperlink in the messages they get, or you, as the mailing list administrator, can manually remove them in case they ask for this or if you reach the decision that some of the mailing list members should not belong to the mailing list anymore. Each member will view only their own email address in the "To" field of the emails they receive, but not the addresses of the other mailing list members.

Mailing List Members in Shared Web Hosting

In case you’ve got a shared web hosting plan with our company and you create an Internet mailing list, you’ll be able to administer the mailing list subscribers effortlessly. You don’t even need to sign into your Hepsia hosting Control Panel, as you can accomplish everything via email from any place whatsoever. By sending out emails with special commands to, you’ll be able to get access to a lot of options offered by our popular Majordomo application. You can view a complete list of all current members, or if needed – you can include/remove members. If you add a new email address, the user will be informed and will have to verify that they are willing to be added to the mailing list. Deleting a user is also truly easy – you’ll just have to send an email message to the admin email address associated with the particular mailing list.