The service uptime for every shared web hosting account is of essential importance. If you’re using a web server which has recurrent issues and your site is not available for extended periods of time, it is more likely that website visitors shall not return. In case you have an online store, for example, this will mean lost clients and much less revenue. Your internet sites may even get penalized by search engines with lower rankings irrespective of how good their content is. To prevent this kind of scenario, you should always make certain that the hosting service you get is stable. In this way, the success of your website will depend entirely on its content and your advertising and marketing campaigns and will not be affected by hosting-related variables that you have got no control over.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Shared Web Hosting

We guarantee 99.9% server uptime for each shared web hosting account on our servers. We take advantage of an avant-garde cloud Internet hosting platform in which each part of the website hosting service is managed by a separate group of servers, so if one machine fails, the remaining ones within the cluster are going to take over right away. The cloud platform also lessens the overall load greatly, so the web hosting service is considerably more stable when compared with a service where everything runs on a single machine and your websites will perform in the best possible way. We also have redundant Internet lines and diesel-powered backup generators to be sure that your sites will remain online no matter what. Software and hardware firewalls guarantee the adequate operation of the web servers in the event of DDoS attacks while in the case of any software issue, we have admins checking the servers 24/7.