An e-mail alias is an email that uses the exact same mailbox along with the initial e-mail. For instance, you can have as your authentic e-mail address and create an alias The two addresses can share the exact same mailbox, so emails sent to both of them will be received in one place. Feel free to use aliases for a number of purposes, like getting in touch with numerous teams of people or signing up on websites. If you start getting a great deal of spam, for instance, you can easily remove the alias while your original mailbox will not be impacted in any way and you'll retain the communication you need. Aliases in many cases are perceived as a replacement for forwarding e-mails from one email address to another one if you use 2 or more addresses for contact on your site.

E-mail Aliases in Shared Web Hosting

Setting up an alias for any mailbox is really easy when you've got a shared web hosting package from us. You can do this from the Emails area of the Hepsia Control Panel, used to manage the hosting accounts plus it will take just a couple of clicks. You'll be able to create or remove many aliases at any moment and save valuable time when you control the emails for a number of emails that you use - for instance, numerous business units in a company or separate sections of a site. In case you receive messages from many addresses in one email address, but people should have a copy of particular emails, you're able to combine the aliases with e-mail forwarding and/or e-mail filters, which could be set up with Hepsia.