We have included a group of Website Optimization Tools within your Hosting Control Panel to help you easily promote your web sites on the Internet. Our sitemap generator will help you to obtain a detailed sitemap of your site. In addition, you can easily send that sitemap to search engines to index your site. The RSS News syndication software will let you generate unique content material on your home page so you could get greater chances to rise higher in search engine results. Moreover, we’ve integrated a GeoIP re–direction tool that will permit you to target your site visitors more accurately based upon their geographical area.

A Sitemap Generator

Make a sitemap with all your webpages in a click

The simplest way to get your newly introduced website placed in the search engines will be to submit a sitemap. The sitemap records the whole set of pages on your website and by uploading it to a particular search engine, you notify it that you would like those pages to get indexed as soon as possible. Sitemaps are typically generated by third–party tools. Nevertheless, here, it’s not necessary to navigate out of your Hosting Control Panel. Our own inhouse developed Sitemap Generator is included into the Advanced Applications part and will generate a sitemap on your behalf with a mouse click.

All you should do is opt for the top amount of pages you wish to be scanned, the range of the scanned links along with the format of the sitemap file.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Simple location–based redirections

Our company offers an uncomplicated tool, which will allow you to narrow the visitors of your site according to their area. For instance, with the GeoIP redirection instrument, you can easily send all the website traffic coming from Spain to the Spanish variant of your site if you have such. This can help you focus on your web visitors far more precisely and offer them with the onsite stay they anticipate.

No specific capabilities or technical knowledge are needed to use the GeoIP redirection instrument, and you no longer need to use .htaccess files to complete the job.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Show the most recent headlines on your website

What is actually RSS? RSS is a technique for distributing and collecting information. It’s being commonly used by news sites, personal blogs, bulletins, and so on. The published information is easily picked up by an RSS reader and afterwards displayed to the consumer. Using RSS, users can acquire announcements from a wide range of web sites and read them in a sole location.

Using the RSS News Syndication application, you can easily add information feeds coming from some of the world’s most famous information outlets and show them on you website.

RSS News